Toadi Interface

Toadi Interface

The Toadi Interface is your gateway to Toadi’s computer. It will give you an broad range of extra functionalities on top of the ones you can find in the App.

At first the Toadi Interface can look daunting and complex, but once you look through it you will notice that all functions are very straight forward.

How to access Toadi Interface

You can access the Toadi Interface on both mobile, tablet or computer. As long as the device is connected with the same WiFi network as Toadi.

Access on Mobile Phone

  1. Go to the Toadi App on your phone

  2. Select the “Remote Control” button

  3. This will take you to the Toadi Interface on a new page on your phone’s browser (outside the App)

  4. You can save this page on your home screen or as a bookmark

Access on Tablet or computer

  1. Go to the Toadi App on your phone

  2. Select the “Remote Control” button

  3. This will take you to the Toadi Interface on a new page on your phone’s browser (outside the App)

  4. Write down the URL of this page

  5. Enter the URL on the browser of your device

  6. You can save this page on your home screen or as a bookmark


Functionalities of the Toadi Interface

On the main page select the function you would like to see. You can open multiple function at the same time. To close a function select “[Remove]”

  • Live
    Access to Toadi’s camera view

  • Mapping
    The map of your garden which Toadi has saved as her mowing zone

  • Controls
    Remote control functionality, emergency stops, etc.

  • Toadi Status
    A variety of feedback from Toadi’s sensors

  • Power
    A monitor of all battery and motor voltages and currents

  • Zones
    A table of the different zones in your garden

Click on the title of a function for more details


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