Quick Install Guide - Multi Zone

Quick Install Guide - Multi Zone

This is a step-by-step process on how to install your Toadi with the highest success rate for the more complex gardens. Use this installs guide when:

  • You only have multiple mowing zone

  • You’re Charging Station further than 3m from the mowing zone

  • Toadi has to pass through a narrow passage

If you do not qualify for any of the 3 conditions above, please use Quick Install Guide - Single Zone.

Step 1: Download the Toadi App from your App Store

  • Go to your phone's app store and download the Toadi App.
    You can find the Toadi App by searching for “Toadi” in the App Store or by clicking on the link below.

Apple App store: Toadi
Google Play store: Toadi

Step 2: Register your E-mail address

  • Once you have downloaded the app, it will ask you to register your E-mail address.

  • Then go to your inbox to confirm your E-mail address


Step 3: Unbox Toadi

  • Open the outer and inner box and take Toadi out of the box.

Do not use a knife to open the white box

  • Take the Charging Station out of the box

Step 4 - 7: Instruction video


Step 4: Place the Charging Station

  • Place the Charging Station:

    • As close as possible to the mowing zone

    • On a flat surface

    • With no obstacles within 1m radius around the Charging Station

    • In an area with Wi-Fi coverage

  • Plug the Charging Station into a power outlet

Do not pin down or screw on the Charging Station until the installation has been completed

Step 5: Place Toadi on the Charging Station

  • Place Toadi on the Charging Station

    • With the center of her back aligned with the Charging Station

  • Wait for Toadi’s eyes to light up

Step 6: Connect to Wi-Fi

  • Add your network details in the App

  • Wait for the QR code to be shown

  • Once the QR code is shown on the app

    • Hold your phone 20-30 cm in front of Toadi in the middle of her screen

    • Wait for Toadi to show her “Wi-Fi” Eyes - More info on Toadi’s eyes

Even when a network has been added, the App will still show the “Add a network” button. You can add additional networks here. i.e: The 2.4 and 5 GHz versions of your Wi-Fi network


Step 7: First walk

  • Go stand 3m in front of Toadi

  • Wait for her eyes to ‘find’ you

    • Toadi her eyes will go left and right

    • When she sees you her eyes will become full circles

    • If she can’t find you, move back and forth 1-2m

  • Toadi will drive off her Charging Station towards you

  • Walk in front of Toadi around the outer border of the mowing zone

    • Walk slowly so Toadi can follow

    • When taking sharp turns, give Toadi the time to turn

  • Guide Toadi to the additional zones or through the narrow passage

    • Use a passage that has no borders with more than 3cm difference in height

    • Use a passage that Toadi will always be able to take

      • She will always consider this safe and not detect obstacles here

    • Repeat this step to additional zones

    • You can use the same or a new passage to return to the first zone

  • When returning back at the Charging Station

    • Take a big turn so Toadi can drive straight towards the Charging Station

    • Stand above or behind the Charging Station

    • Once Toadi’s eyes are full circles, step away from the Charging Station

  • Toadi will now Auto-Dock

    • She will ride towards the station and turn around

    • She will move her back left and right to find the ideal position

    • This can take several minutes before she has found the ideal position

  • When Toadi has docked, she will make the first version of the map of your garden

Do not do this process early after sunrise or right before sunset. There might be still enough light for your eyes, but not enough for Toadi

When Toadi shows ‘Sad Eyes’ you must lift her up and place her back on the Charging Station and repeat this process - More info on Toadi’s eyes

Depending on the size and complexity of your garden, the mapping of your garden can take 30min up to a few hours.


Step 8: Instruction video


Step 8: Manual Explore

To ensure a stable WiFi connection during this process we advise to connect Toadi to your phone’s hotspot. Click on “Add WiFi Network” in the Toadi App and follow the instructions of Step 6.

  • Go to the Toadi App and select “Remote Control”

  • Click on “Daredevil”

  • Select “Start Manual Explore”
    Toadi will ride 1-2m of the Charging Station

  • Click on “Controls

  • Use the joystick (the purple circle) to control your Toadi

  • Walk-behind your Toadi and use the joystick to drive Toadi around your garden

  • Walk around your garden using the overlay method

    • Walk the outer edge of the initial walk

    • Overlap the first circle by 6m and turn Toadi around (by using the joystick)

    • Repeat the first circle in the opposite direction

    • Overlap the reverse circle again by 6m

    • Move closer to the inside of your garden and repeat the 4 previous steps.
      Depending on the size of your garden:

      • You can reduce the overlap

      • You can repeat this step a few times

    • Drive Toadi to the additional zones or through the narrow passage

      • Use a passage that has no borders with more than 3cm difference in height

      • Use a passage that Toadi will always be able to take

        • She will always consider this safe and not detect obstacles here

      • Repeat this step to additional zones

      • You can use the same or a new passage to return to the first zone

  • Go to the “Live” tab

  • Start streaming

  • Check if Toadi places a green box around the Charging Station

  • Select “Go to Charging Station”

  • Toadi will Auto Dock and create a detailed version of your garden

    • During this process, Toadi may ride around in your garden to gather additional data

The duration of this process depends on the size and complexity of your garden and can take several hours.


Step 9: Set mowing height

  • Go to the Toadi App

  • Change the height

    • The height will be changed when Toadi starts mowing


Step 10: Mowing

  • When the Explore Map has been completed, Toadi will start mowing.
    She will do so

    • 3 hours after sunrise

    • 2 hours after the last rain detection

    • 2 hours before sunset

    • Until she requires charging

  • When your grass has not been cut for a long time, Toadi mowing lines will be visible and your garden will look like a Picasso painting. This will disappear after a few days/weeks.

  • Depending on the size of your garden, Toadi will mow your complete garden minimum of once per week. For smaller and less complex gardens, this can be multiple times per week.

Step 11: Check Multi-Zone

Make sure multi-zone is activated on the App

  • When Toadi starts mowing, keep an eye out for when she tries to go to the additional zones

    • When she passes the passage without any problems, do not interfere

    • When you see Toadi driving back and forth on the same spot in front of the ‘safe passage’ go to the next step

  • Turn off multi-zone on the App

  • Select Reboot

  • When you want Toadi to mow the additional zones

    • Go to the Toadi App and select “Remote Control”

      • The app will send you to a new webpage

    • Click on “Controls”

    • In the section “Activities” click on “Start Manual Control”

    • Use the joystick (the purple circle) to control your Toadi

    • Drive Toadi to the second zone

    • Select “Stop Manual Control” and “Release all Emergency stops”

    • Toadi will now mow this zone

    • Repeat the above steps for additional zones

Alternatively, you can use our Remote Control Service who will take over this process for you.
Please contact support@toadi.com to request the Remote Control Service.

Step 12: Check Auto Docking

Make sure Auto Docking is activated on the App

  • By the end of the first mowing day, keep an eye out for Toadi if she is able to reach the Charging Station.

    • When she drives to her Charging Station and auto docks, do not interfere

    • When you see Toadi driving back and forth on the same spot in front of the ‘safe passage’ to go to the Charging Station, go to the next step

  • Turn off auto docking on the App

  • Select Reboot

  • When you want Toadi to return to her Charging Station

    • Go to the Toadi App and select “Remote Control”

      • The app will send you to a new webpage

    • Click on “Controls”

    • In the section “Activities” click on “Start Manual Control”

    • Use the joystick (the purple circle) to control your Toadi

    • Drive Toadi to the Docking Station

    • Select “Stop Manual Control” and “Go to Charging Station”

    • Toadi will now dock

  • When you want Toadi to start mowing

    • Go to the Toadi App and select “Remote Control”

      • The app will send you to a new webpage

    • Click on “Controls”

    • In the section “Activities” click on “Start Manual Control”

    • Use the joystick (the purple circle) to control your Toadi

    • Drive Toadi to the mowing zone

    • Select “Stop Manual Control” and “Release all Emergency stops”

    • Toadi will now mow this zone

  • Repeat the two steps above every day

Alternatively, you can use our Remote Control Service who will take over this process for you.

Please contact support@toadi.com to request the Remote Control Service.


For further guidance on the use of your Toadi, please visit Quick Usage Guide - Multi Zone


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