Toadi Interface - Controls

Toadi Interface - Controls


Manual Driving

The manual driving function gives you the possibility to Remote Control Toadi. You can either use the purple circle as a joystick or select “Switch mode” to control Toadi through commands.

You must activate “Start Manual Control” in order for this function to work.




Hard Emergency Stop

This will stop all functions of Toadi. You can use this during long term storage, when changing the Mowing Blades, etc.

Release all Emergency Stops

This will activate Toadi’s ‘normal’ function and overrule all past Activities or stops

Start Manual control

You must select this before the above explained Manual Control function will work

Stop Manual control

You must select this after you are finished with Manual Control. If you don’t Toadi will not mow during the scheduled times

Start Random Mowing

Toadi will start mowing on an area without the need for a map

Start Line Mowing (Beta)

Toadi will mow in straight lines, right next to each other. As this is a Beta function, we can not guarantee this will work in every garden.

Stop Mowing

Toadi will …



Go to charging station

Toadi will drive to the known location and dock on the Charging Station

Stop Docking

Toadi will stop the docking process


Auto-docking is activated by default. When Toadi is not ready to auto dock where your Charging Station is placed, you might have to deselect this function.

More info on Auto-docking in complex gardens in the Multi Zone Installation Guide



Clear Rain Sensor

When Toadi detects rain she will go back to her Charging Station and wait for two hours after the last rain detection. If you want to overrule this function, use this function.

This will not de-activate the rain sensor. When it is still raining Toadi will immediately return to the Docking Station.

Only use this for faulty errors i.e. You were watering your flower bed and some water drops landed on Toadi’s screen.


Auto pilot

Follow a person

Toadi will follow you

Follow border



Save Recording


Start only obstacles


Stop only obstacles



Start Manual map explore


Stop Manual map explore


Auto Mapexplore







Remote Control


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