In case you want to add new or updated WiFi network credentials to your robot, start by putting her on the charging station first. At that point, she will start scanning for QR codes.

Open the Toadi app and click Add WiFi Network.

Enter the information of the the WiFi Network you want your robot to connect to:
WiFi SSID = Your network name
Password = Password to access your WiFi network

Klick next, and a QR code will appear. Show it to your robot by holding your phone in front of her camera and her eyes will light up as QR codes. Next her eyes will indicate that the network was added by showing a WiFi icon and once she has connected to the Toadi server her eyes will briefly turn into another icon showing three connected circles. (read more about your robot’s eyes here)
As a last step you will get an indication in the app that the network was added.

If you are adding this WiFi Network during the setup of you robot, continue the steps in the installation process, which includes the WiFi network setup. Once the app gets to the “Take a walk” section, you can skip these steps.

Now, your Toadi is connected to an extra WiFi network!

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